
SeanHendrix Enterprises

Manufacturing & Supply Chain Revitalization


Advocating for American manufacturing since 1993

Born and raised in Detroit, MI, Michael Hendrix gained a love for manufacturing in America due to the Automotive Industry and DAPCEP (Detroit Pre-College Engineering Program). Since 1993 as a kid, reared in blue collar work ethic, he has been exposed to the ingenuity that represents the backbone of our economy - Manufacturing. Since then, he has studied and trained in mechanical engineering, six sigma, lean, process and quality improvement, general management, and business strategy; as well as gained experience in operational excellence in many industries: automotive industry, 3D printing, consumer packaged goods, printing, and tech.

Looking to drive economic growth through Manufacturing, he formed SeanHendrix Enterprises headquartered in Rhode Island, a key state in the Industrial Revolution. As a lower middle market firm, we want to focus on American manufacturing and supply chain companies while supporting their long-term value creation.



(401) 216-7617


Let's Chat.

Use the form below to contact us regarding your enquiry. We welcome the opportunity to review and discuss potential investment opportunities and business partnerships.